JACQ Webservices

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JACQ classification Webservice

GET references/{referenceType}[/{referenceID}]

GET references/{referenceType}

summary Fetch a list of all references (which have a classification attached)
Response [

  "name": name of reference

  "id":   ID of reference


Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/references/periodical
fetch a list of all periodicals known to JACQ

GET references/{referenceType}/{referenceID}

summary get the name of a single reference
Response [

  "name": name of reference

  "id":   ID of reference


Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/references/periodical/70
get the name of periodical #70

GET nameReferences/{taxonID}

summary Return (other) references for this name which include them in their classification
Response [

  "referenceName": name of the reference

  "referenceId":   ID of the reference

  "referenceType": Type of the reference

  "taxonID":       the taxon-ID we asked for

  "uuid":          {

                    "href": url to get the uuid


  "hasChildren":   true if children of this entry exist

  "hasType":       true if Typi exist

  "hasSpecimen":   true if at least one specimen exists


Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/nameReferences/46163
fetch a list of all references to taxon-ID 46163
Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/nameReferences/46163?excludeReferenceId=31070
fetch a list of all references to taxon-ID 46163, but exclude reference with ID 31070

GET children/{referenceType}/{referenceId}

GET children/periodical/{referenceId}

summary get all citations which belong to the given periodical

  "taxonID":       always "0"

  "referenceId":   ID of the reference

  "referenceName": Name of reference

  "referenceType": always "citation"

  "hasChildren":   always "true"

  "hasType":       always "false"

  "hasSpecimen":   always "false"


Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/children/periodical/70
fetch a list of all citations which are children of periodical #70 (Bot. J. Linn. Soc.)

GET children/citation/{referenceId}

summary Get classification children of a given taxonID (or first generation if none given) according to a given citation

  "taxonID":       ID of scientific name

  "uuid":          {

                    "href": url to get the uuid


  "referenceId":   ID of the reference

  "referenceName": Name of reference

  "referenceType": always "citation"

  "hasChildren":   true if children of this entry exist

  "hasType":       true if Typi exist

  "hasSpecimen":   true if at least one specimen exists

  "referenceInfo": {

                    "number":         classification number

                    "order":          classification order

                    "rank_abbr":      rank abbreveation

                    "rank_hierarchy": rank hierarchy

                    "tax_syn_ID":     internal ID of synonym



Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/children/citation/13265
fetch a list of all citations which are direct children of citation #13265 (APG (2009) Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 161 (2): 105-121.) and have no parent-taxon-ID
Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/children/citation/13265?taxonID=235443
fetch a list of all citations which are children of taxon-ID 235443 due to citation #13265 (APG (2009) Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 161 (2): 105-121.)

GET synonyms/{referenceType}/{referenceId}/{taxonID}

GET synonyms/citation/{referenceId}/{taxonID}

summary fetch synonyms (and basionym) for a given taxonID, according to a given citation
Response [


  "uuid":          {

                    "href": url to get the uuid


  "referenceName": Name of reference

  "referenceId":   ID of the reference

  "referenceType": type of reference

  "hasType":       true if Typi exist

  "hasSpecimen":   true if at least one specimen exists

  "referenceInfo": {





Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/classification/synonyms/citation/31070/46183
fetch a list of all synonyms of taxon-ID 46163 according to citation with ID 31070