summary | Get specimen-id, valid stable identifier and all stable identifiers of a given specimen-id |
API-description | OpenAPI JSON |
Response |
{"specimenID": ID of specimen "stableIdentifierLatest": latest stable identifier { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier "timestamp": and its timestamp } "stableIdentifierList": list of all found stable identifiers, ordered by timestamp [ { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier "timestamp": and its timestamp },… ] } |
Example | look for specimen ID and stable identifiers of specimen-ID 6830 |
summary | Get specimen-id, valid stable identifier and all stable identifiers of a given stable idnetifier. Answers with 303 instead of 200 if parameter "withredirect" is given |
Response |
{"specimenID": ID of specimen "stableIdentifierLatest": latest stable identifier { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier "timestamp": and its timestamp "link": link to details-page of JACQ (for convenience) } "stableIdentifierList": list of all found stable identifiers, ordered by timestamp [ { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier "timestamp": and its timestamp },… ] } |
Example | look for specimen ID and stable identifiers of stable identifier | same as above, but with redirect (303) |
summary | get a list of all errors which prevent the generation of stable identifiers |
Response |
{ "total": total number of records found "result": List of found entries [ { "specimenID": ID of specimen "link": link to details-page of JACQ (for convenience) "errorList": List of errors and existing stable identifiers (if any) for this specimen-ID [ { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier (if it exists) or null "timestamp": timestamp of creation "error": and the error "link": link to details-page of JACQ of the blocking specimen (if present) (for convenience) },… ] },… ] },… |
Example | get a list of all errors which prevented the generation of stable identifiers |
Example | get a list of all errors from source-ID 1 (WU) which prevented the generation of stable identifiers for this source |
summary | Get all entries with more than one stable identifier per specimen-ID |
Response |
{ "page": page displayed "previousPage": link to previous page "nextPage": link to next page "firstPage": link to first page "lastPage": link to last page "totalPages": total number of pages "total": total number of records found "result": List of found entries [ { "specimenID": ID of specimen "numberOfEntries": # of records found for this ID "stableIdentifierList": List of stable identifiers for this ID [ { "stableIdentifier": stable identifier "timestamp": and its timestamp },… ] },… ] },… |
Example | get the first 50 entries of specimen-IDs with more than one stable identifier |
Example | get the third 100 entries of specimen-IDs with more than one stable identifier |
Example | get all entries of source WU (ID 1) with more than one stable identifier |