JACQ Webservices

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JACQ IIIF Webservice


GET manifestUri/{specimenID}

summary get the manifest URI for a given specimen-ID
Response {
 "uri": uri of the manifest

Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/iiif/manifestUri/1739342
look for manifest-URI of specimen-ID 1739342

GET manifest/{specimenID}

summary act as a proxy and get the manifest for a given specimen-ID from a backend, supplemented by some additional information.
If no backend is configured, the webservice tries to get the manifest from the actual target-uri.
Response manifest
Example https://services.jacq.org/jacq-services/rest/iiif/manifest/1739342
get the manifest for specimen-ID 1739342 with additional information
(original manifest is https://app05a.phaidra.org/manifests/WU0121571)