summary | get the properties of a specimen |
Response |
{ "dc": { "dc:…": Dublin Core Items } "dwc": { "dwc:…": Darwin Core Items } "jacq": { "jacq:…": JACQ Items } } |
Example | get all properties of specimen-ID 1739342 |
summary | post a list of specimen-IDs, Unit-IDs or Stable Identifiers to get a list of the properties of each specimen in case of Unit-IDs or Stable Identifiers, trailing characters are silently ignored |
Response |
[{ "dc": { "dc:…": Dublin Core Items } "dwc": { "dwc:…": Darwin Core Items } "jacq": { "jacq:…": JACQ Items } },… ] |
Example | get all properties of the following list of specimen-IDs, Unit-IDs and Stable identifiers |
["W20050021049_a.jpg", "", "WU0020000", 1739342, 435533, 10000 ] |
summary | post a file with a list of specimen-IDs, Unit-IDs or Stable Identifiers to get a list of the properties of each specimen in case of Unit-IDs or Stable Identifiers, trailing characters are silently ignored operates like "fromList" |
Response |
[{ "dc": { "dc:…": Dublin Core Items } "dwc": { "dwc:…": Darwin Core Items } "jacq": { "jacq:…": JACQ Items } },… ] |
summary | search for all specimens which fit given criteria, return just a list of specimen-IDs or the whole specimen data | ||||||||||||||||||||
search and sort Parameters |
Response |
{ "total": total number of records found "itemsPerPage": records per page "page": page displayed "previousPage": link to previous page "nextPage": link to next page "firstPage": link to first page "lastPage": link to last page "totalPages": total number of pages "result": List of found entries [ { "dc": { "dc:…": Dublin Core Items } "dwc": { "dwc:…": Darwin Core Items } "jacq": { "jacq:…": JACQ Items } },… ] } |
Example | av*&sc=wu search for all specimens with taxon "prunus av*" of source wu, display the first page with 50 records per page |
"dc" | title description creator created type |
"dwc" |
materialSampleID basisOfRecord collectionCode catalogNumber scientificName previousIdentifications family genus specificEpithet country countryCode locality decimalLatitude decimalLongitude verbatimLatitude verbatimLongitude eventDate recordNumber recordedBy fieldNumber |
"jacq" |
specimenID scientificName family genus epithet HerbNummer observation taxon_alt Fundort decimalLatitude decimalLongitude verbatimLatitude verbatimLongitude collectorTeam created Nummer series alt_number WIKIDATA_ID HUH_ID VIAF_ID ORCID OwnerOrganizationAbbrev OwnerLogoURI LicenseURI nation_engl iso_alpha_3_code image downloadImage |