JACQ Webservices


scientificNames Search for fitting scientific names and return them


references Fetch a list of all references (which have a classification attached) or get the name of a single reference
nameReferences Return (other) references for this name which include them in their classification
children get all citations which belong to the given periodical or get classification children of a given taxonID (or first generation if none given) according to a given citation
synonyms fetch synonyms (and basionym) for a given taxonID, according to a given citation


manifestUri get the manifest URI for a given specimen-ID
manifest act as a proxy and get the manifest for a given specimen-ID from a backend, supplemented by some additional information.
If no backend is configured, the webservice returns HTTP 303 with the actual target-uri.


specimens get the properties of a specimen


uuid Get uuid, uuid-url and scientific name of a given taxonID
name Get scientific name, uuid and uuid-url of a given taxonID
search do a fulltext search for scientific names and taxon names and also get their taxonIDs; all parts of the search term are mandatory for the search
resolve Get scientific name, uuid-url and taxon-ID of a given uuid

stable Identifier

sid Get specimen-id, valid stable identifier and all stable identifiers of a given specimen-id
resolve Get specimen-id, valid stable identifier and all stable identifiers of a given stable identifier
errors get a list of all errors which prevent the generation of stable identifiers
multi Get all entries with more than one stable identifier per specimen-ID